6th WTA Biennial: Going to Oaxaca?

My work will be displayed at the 6th WTA Biennial’s Salon for Recyclability In Textile Art in Oaxaca, Mexico as of May 28!!!

Silvia Piza-Tandlich: Molecular Composition. Recycled afghan, fused plastic, papel picado, crochet. 2011, Salon For Recyclability In Textile Art, Oaxaca. Photo: Martha Alvarez.

Aside from the obvious thrill of chatting with artists and meeting new people, Oaxaca will feature Carolyn Kallenborn’s premiere of her documentary, Woven Lives, at the Oaxaca Textile Museum on June 2nd, which I really wanted to see.

Unfortunately, making the trip from Costa Rica to Mexico is expensive, and as my husband’s voice of reason sadly tells me what I already know, he also proposes to find “ways to fill the void.”  He’s right!

DVD cover for Woven Lives

While nothing could fill the void of not attending our own exhibit’s inauguration, so it happens that Carolyn Kallenborn does have the film on DVD for sale, and I have already requested a copy.

It also occurs to me that Carolyn has to fly herself all the way to Oaxaca at whatever price airlines charge, and then fly to the SDA Conference where she’s also giving a lecture and showing the film. I therefore, urge everyone to buy the film, and I know we won’t regret it: It’s made in very good taste, contains a lot of valuable information, and the proceeds will help Carolyn continue this type of important research. Last week I posted the film’s trailer, and I’ve seen photographs of Carolyn’s life with this Zapotec textile community in Oaxaca. This film is must-see, must-have! You can go to her website and use the payment options available

Or you can go to Oaxaca and see the exhibits at the Casa de Arte de San Agustín (CaSa) as well as the Oaxaca Textile Museum film premiere. If you go, please take lots of photos and share them with me!

—Silvia Piza-Tandlich

Encounter: Redtextilia

Encounter: IberoAmerican Textile Network (Redtextilia)

San José, Costa Rica – September, 2010

To view photos of the Encounter, visit    https://picasaweb.google.com/118006843679432349679

Irene Carlos, a Guatemalan artist working in textiles, mixed-media textiles, and television production, was a participant in the juried international Redtextilia Encounter’s competition: “Sustainable Tradition & Responsible Innovation”.

The exhibit took place at the Costa Rican-North American Cultural Center’s Wanamaker Gallery.

Below is a photograph of Irene’s work, with SDA member Lia Cook’s work in the background. Lia was a well-liked lecturer at the Encounter.

Work by Irene Carlos

Work by Lia Cook

Susan Taber-Avila, Carol Westfall, and Carolyn Kallenborn also offered very interesting lectures. Here’s Susan’s work at the Invited Artists’ Exhibit, Omar Dengo Foundation, Costa Rica:

Susan Taber-Avila, Omar Dengo Foundation exhibit, Costa Rica

detail, Susan Taber-Avilas work, Omar Dengo Foundation, Costa Rica

SDA LatinAmerican Rep Silvia Piza-Tandlich participated in four exhibits during the Encounter: The Affiliates’ Exhibit, Invited Artists’ Exhibit, Costa Rican Textile Creation Exhibit (at the Cartago Municipal Museum), and her own indoor intervention, “Metamorphosis: A New Cycle” at the National Museum.  www.galeriaoctagono.com     www.metamorfosishabitat.com

Silvia Piza-Tandlich, "Kaleidoscope", Omar Dengo Foundation, Costa Rica

Silvia’s piece on the left was chosen as background logo for the Encounter, which was the culmination of four years of association of artists of Latin America, Spain, and Portugal.

European Textile Network (ETN) President, Lala de Dios; Surface Design Association (SDA) President, Candace Edgerley; and IberoAmerican Textile Network (Redtextilia) President, Paulina Ortiz, formed a textile alliance during this Encounter in Costa Rica.

Silvia Piza-Tandlich, "Without Tobacco" Affiliates Exhibit, San José, Costa Rica

Silvia Piza-Tandlich, "Aurora", Cartago Municipal Museum

Silvia Piza-Tandlich, "Metamorphosis: A New Cycle." Fantasy intervention, 102 works within 11 spaces.

Visit the SDA Newsblog archive for November, 2010 to view SDA President Candace Edgerley’s article about the Encounter.

Carol Westfall during her conference.

Lia Cook and Rebecca Stevens (Textile Museum, Washington D.C.), give a lecture at Veritas University, Costa Rica

One of the Encounter’s most interesting activities was the Latin American Textile Fair, where many artists showed and sold crafts and materials from their own region, or their own creations.

SDA President Candace Edgerley, and members Joan Hutten and Ann Liddle at LatinAmerican Textile Fair, Mexico Cultural Institute, Costa Rica, September 19, 2010.

—Silvia Piza-Tandlich, translation